Saturday, December 12, 2009

Can You Fix Bubble Lights

Casini: "A united front against Berlusconi. Purposes? There will be no surprises. " And the New Democratic Party appreciates

Pier Ferdinando Casini

throws down the gauntlet to Silvio Berlusconi: If the prime minister chose to go to early voting, it might be before a single deployment of the opposition in defense of democracy.

"If Berlusconi plans to transform the Italian democracy into a monarchy, attacking Napolitano and consultation responses will be hard, clear, unambiguous, and there are no surprises," said the leader of the UDC on the sidelines of the Christian Movement workers being held in Rome.

Officially, the call to join forces is aimed at PD and IDV, but inevitably the thoughts go also to Gianfranco Fini after fierce controversy in recent times with the President Council. "I hope this game does not play and that Berlusconi will resolve the problems of the country, but if you plan to use the issue for judicial transform our democracy, will have some surprises," said Casini cryptic to a question about the possible involvement of Fini the grid.

For his part, Speaker of the House did not want to enter into the matter, but declined to dig a new controversy to Berlusconi. "I think it's fair when it is Italy or abroad in an international forum, however, refrain from any comments regarding Italian politics," he said from Stockholm.

Many comments on the trial balloon launched by Casini. "I do not believe it, I do not give in Casini all'antiberlusconismo of manner", said Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa. For Capezzone, spokesman for the PDL, the former chairman of the House is "a sort puzzling and serious." He sees no room for maneuver Claudio Scajola, "There is a solid government that goes on and that the majority of Italians," he assured the Minister for Economic Development.

And from the front of the left come the first openings. "We agree to a camp that brings together all the forces against Berlusconi but only if you face an electoral law that put the country in proportion," said Paolo Ferrero.

Afternoon Bersani Franceschini and have commented positively on the words of Casini.

December 12, 2009

Finally the PD says something serious, obvious that we need to redo the election law. If FACESSE maybe even something serious, it would be better. Casini is good that I finally distanced itself from Berlusconi, then just do not do his usual "get on the bandwagon" ...


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