Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Trains Bridge Building

GNU nmap on Mac OSX

This evening I had to check if a machine, the home network, had an active service, without thinking twice I opened my terminal and I type inseparable:

sudo nmap-sS-v-P0-O Tegenaria

instead of the usual reports I get: sudo

: nmap: command not found

Mac and I'm on my boxcutter Swiss network. Never mind, nmap is Open Source and licensed under the GNU GPL ... then we can do is download the source code and recompile it on Mac OS X.

The following is a simple procedure to be adopted ... clearly the prerequisites described in the first part of the post on how to install GNU Midnight Commander is supposed to have already been met otherwise, rileggetevi the post.
  • and point your browser to go to the download page :
    • download the latest source of nmap
    • xvjf nmap-4.53.tar.bz2 tar-cd nmap-
    • 4:53
    • . / Configure - without-nmapfe
    • make sudo make install
At this point the installation is complete GNU nmap, nmap-V typing get something like:

Nmap version 4:53 (

Finally I can use the boxcutter:)

that's all folks! As usual, it takes longer to write than to do it.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Usb To Ide Adapter Does Not Recognize

discs under control with Disk Inventory X GNU Midnight Commander

One of the problems you have with the modern computer is checking the disk space occupied by files and programs. The media then we have become accustomed to increasingly large file sizes and even larger drives fill up easily.
What happens is that very often we can not have real control of what is on our records. My MacBook has a 150 GByte disk and use it for about a year, a few days ago I saw that the disk space was "only" 7Gbyte.
So I started looking for a program, of course, open source, freeware or shareware, which could solve the problem and I found Disk Inventory X .

This program allows you to have a visual idea of \u200b\u200bthe employment situation of the disc via a simple and intuitive graphical display that allows you to browse files and directories. After the first "round" I have recovered about 30GByte ... not bad!

The program is Open Source licensed under the GNU GPL and you can download here . Once you download the file to access the image file, you drag the icon Disk Inventory applications. Finish installation:) ps

reading the site I discovered that there is a similar Windows program called WinDirStat and an equivalent for Linux called KDirStat . Of course they're all free and licensed under the GNU GPL. If you like to take with you which applications are loyal to a USB stick, or like I do on my iPod will tell you that there is also a Windows version Portable " that you can download from the project site winPenPack . Mac for the application is already in "Portable .

Even today this is it folks.

and the next ... given an au resets your hard disk.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Golfshopping18 Sell Fake Clubs

I have already talked about NeoOffice in one of the first post the new direction of this blog.

As stated in the introduction on Italian site, the project is " based suite of office programs, NeoOffice has integrated dozens of native Mac features and can import, edit, and exchange files with other programs for ' office as popular as Microsoft Office .

on Mac OS X there are other suites, of course, always free, as well as NeoOffice.

The oldest is DigitTools project, released as freeware, is now arrived at version 2.0. Unfortunately, the manufacturer's website be for sale by product and version 2.0 seems to have lost all trace. If you can find it let me know. Well this is is a risk of Freeware.

suite alternative to Microsoft Office, better known today, is certainly OpenOffice.Org available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. Although this software is free and open source under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The suite includes a word processor, a spreadsheet, a program to make presentations, a generator of mathematical functions, a vector graphics tool and a program for managing data type database. The two defects in this suite on Mac OS X are the need to install the X11 graphical environment and not being integrated with the graphical environment of Mac OS X.

Another suite, this time freeware, is StevePerfect . This is a suite that includes a word processor, image viewer, an e-mail client, a dictionary, a QuickTime viewer, mp3 player, a streaming quicktime viewer, a notepad-style editor, a program of text- to-speech, and a voice recognition, a built-in help system and more. The most surprising thing is that everything is in less than 2 Mbytes and listen, listen, you can install on a USB stick and carry it around!

back to NeoOffice, we can say that all the benefits and programs in OpenOffice, without having the disadvantages mentioned above, that does not require installing x11 and is integrated with the graphical interface of the Mac a few days ago is the 2.2.2 patch that allows directly import images from scanners and camera in NeoOffice.

the download page also find all the detailed instructions for installation. What can I say more ... NeoOffice is a must have!

Even today that's all folks!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Blob Of Cervial Fluid

NeoOffice on Mac OSX.

This time I'll talk about how to install software on Mac OS X from source.
I want you to touch the "power" of open source software, in particular by the possession of the source code of software.

In this post I'll describe what to do to install from source code GNU Midnight Commander under Mac OS X. GNU Midnight Commander is for me the ideal interface for all operating systems on which I worked and then I could not install it on my MacBook after managing to install it also on Tru64 .

The procedure you describe has been tested on my MacBook Pro with Mac OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger). If you follow me step by step at the end you'll be able to install GNU Midnight Commander under Mac OS X from the source code.
  • Prerequisite for all is the installation of the development of Apple XCODE which provides among other things, the make and the GCC compiler.
    I installed the latest version (2.5) available on the site. After registering (registration is free!) I downloaded the file and installed xcode25_8m2558_developerdvd.dmg follow the signs.
    To verify that the installation is successful, we run the application, at the command prompt by typing gcc-v you get something like:

    Using built-in specs.

    Target: i686-apple-darwin8
    Configured with: / var/tmp/gcc/gcc-5370 2/src/configure ~ - disable-checking-enable-werror - prefix = / usr - mandir = / share / man - enable-languages \u200b\u200b= c, objc, c + +, obj-c + + --program-transform-name=/^[cg][^.-]*$/s/$/-4.0/ --with-gxx-include-dir=/include/c++/4.0.0 --with-slibdir=/usr/lib --build=powerpc-apple-darwin8 --with-arch=nocona --with-tune=generic --program-prefix= --host=i686-apple-darwin8 --target=i686-apple-darwin8
    Thread model: posix
    gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5370)

    digitando make -v si ottiene:

    GNU Make 3.80

    Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.

    This means that there are two components that are installed and working.
  • first prerequisite of GNU Midnight Commander is pkg-config :
    • download the latest source of pkg-config (0.22 in my case)
    • tar-xvzf pkg-config-0.22.tar. gz
    • cd pkg-config-0.22
    • . / configure
    • make sudo make install
    • after installation, you need to change the setting of the environment variable PATH to include / usr / local / bin.
      need to edit / etc / profile (Sudo vi / etc / profile) and add the line: PATH = "$ PATH: / usr / local / bin"

  • According to GNU Midnight Commander is a prerequisite for GNU gettext :
    • download the latest source of gettext (0.16 in my case)
    • tar-xvzf gettext-0.16.tar.gz cd gettext-
    • 12:16
    • . / configure
    • make sudo make install

  • third and final prerequisite GNU Midnight Commander is the glib :
  • now finally install GNU Midnight Commander :
    • download the latest source of GNU Midnight Commander (4.6.1)
    • tar-xvzf mc-4.6.1.tar.gz cd
    • mc-4.6.1. / configure - without-x - with-screen = ncurses
    • make sudo make install
At this point the installation of GNU Midnight Commander is finished mc-V will give us something like:

GNU Midnight Commander 4.6.1 Virtual File System
: tarfs, extfs, cpiofs, ftpfs fish
With builtin Editor Using the ncurses library

With subshell support as default With support for
background operations
With mouse support on xterm
With internationalization support

that's all folks! Let me know if you failed you too ...
