I do not know 'if you found yourself having to turn your Mac, in a situation where you need to maintain a silence. Bibblioteca For example, during a meeting or in the bedroom ... and so, once it starts, you hear a nice taaaaadaaaaa!
course, as stated in the depth manual, pressing the power button and simultaneously press "mute", you get a quiet start, but this is only valid for that session e. .. when will start in silence, to Murphy's Law, I forget the correct sequence.
The solution, in this case, is a freeware. It's called StartupSound.prefPanel and allows you to disable the startup sound without changing the output volume.
A simple control panel "Startup Sound" pane will be added to "System Preferences" and allow us to easily turn off the obnoxious sound upon departure.
What, another handy little utility, free of course, that solves our little problem with bad that Mac is only freeware and open source, but you can not have everything:)
Even today that's all folks! Until next time.
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