Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Running Shoes Diagram

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Who would have thought that Gianfranco Fini, President of Chamber of Deputies, attended an organization that promotes the New World Order? We are talking about the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the private foundation of the Rockefellers, which since 2007 has opened in Europe.

On the official site there is the list of members:

http://www.ecfr.eu/ ...

names stand out in Italy Giuliano Amato (ex-Prime Minister) Massimo D'Alema (former prime minister), Marta Dassù (General Manager for International Activities of the Aspen Institute), Dell'Alba (director of Confindustria), Emma Bonino (Vice-President the Senate), Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa (former chairman of the IMF and former prime minister of economics and finance), Giuseppe Scognamiglio (Head of International Relations and Institutional Unicredit).

In the same page reads: "Among the members of the Council on Foreign Relations are former prime ministers, presidents, European commissioners, current and former parliamentarians and ministers, intellectuals, businessmen, activists and cultural figures."

short, a beautiful and good admixture of politics, finance and industry. In another passage, in fact, read the following:

"The ECFR is supported by the Soros Foundation Network, the founding English Frida, by Sigrid Rausing, the Bulgarian Communitas Foundation and the Italian group UniCredit.

Here the original text

http://www.ecfr.eu/content / about /

Later we read who are the patrons of this elite group: "Politicians, decision makers, thinkers and business people from EU member states or candidates. "

Newspapers and TV are anxious to ignore and obscure a truism, which if known can give rise to widespread outrage and sensation with an intensity which would lead to social unrest. But it is not sufficient to show what happens on television to do it literally disappear from the "reality".

the same page as before, in veiled tones, says the aim: "To conduct research and promote an informed debate about Europe and the development of coherent and effective European values-based foreign policy." Then, add us to influence the politics!

Again: "The activities include research on key issues, publishing reports on politics, private meetings and public debates." Note the word PRIVATE: What will be discussed in these meetings?

But just browse some publications to discover one of focal: the so-called New World Order. Take this document, for example

http://ecfr.3cdn.net/ ... btw. pdf

(Or: http://www.ecfr.eu/content ...)

At one point it says:

"The New World Order will not be determined simply by the strength of "hard power" (the ability to use military and economic power to coerce or buy in the states so that you support), but by the strength of what the American academic Joseph Nye has called "Soft Power" - the ability you get what you want through attraction rather than coercion and funding, through the growing appeal of its culture, political ideas and policies. "

Now we know where originates the many appeals for a New World Order spoken by famous politicians such as Tony Blare, Giulio Tremonti, Napolitano and George W. Bush, Angela Merkel or recent calls for a new UN economy.

Perhaps it is better to stop reading newspapers superficial two-bit dull and inconclusive or television programs, but start doing serious research on the blog of investigative journalists


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