Saturday, October 24, 2009

How Old Do You Have To Be For A Wax

speed up boot up openoffice

Today we speak of a system to speed up the startup of OpenOffice that I personally trovo tremendamente lunga. Bisogna andare nel munu strumenti e poi selezionare la voce opzioni. Quindi spostarsi nel menu memoria principale ed settare i paramentri per le seguintui voci come illustrato qui di seguito:

chache grafica

usa per openoffice 128 (o anche di + sulla base della vostra scheda video=

Memoria per oggetto 20

Abilitare il quickstart sulla barra delle applicazioni

Inoltre per aumentare ulteriormente la velocità si può disabilitare l'utilizzo del java run time dal sotto menu java

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Remove Semen Stains From Chair

rewarded - BOB

Bob is made of glazed ceramic, has a soft and light that are able to "fly" even an earthy material such as soil and ceramics.

Awarded Led Lamp - BOB
Bob is made of glazed ceramic, has soft shapes and light are Able to "fly" even an Such material as ceramics.

Monday, October 12, 2009

How Long Keep Deer Sausage In Fridge


Oggi vi parlerò di a system that I recently used to copy files from my home to an SMB share

Dependencies: they are all present in the repo and then installed through synaptic

  1. rsync

  2. grsync

  3. smbfs

sudo mount.cifs / / IP address / shared folder / mnt-o user = user name

mount once you verify that the directory is actually mounted using Nautilus, and finally

Finally launch the convenient GUI rsync slipping into a terminal sudo grsync

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ergoline Tanning Bed Costs

note on windows on PDF freehand

Today I want to tell you about three interesting applications:
  1. xournal

  2. gournal

  3. jarnal (cross platform)

The three applications, substantially equivalent, allowing the text editing with the keyboard and freehand using a graphics tablet or mouse. In addition also allow you to write notes and highlight text on the test file in PDF format.

Level di funzioni fornite da questi programmi non ha nulla da invidiare a blasonati software proprietari del calibro di “Microsoft Windows Journal”, “Mimeo whiteboarding” e “Palm notepad”:

  • Selezione multipla;

  • Sctittura a mano libera;
  • Matite di diverse dimensioni: grandi, medie e fini;

  • Gomma;

  • Evidenziatore;

  • Digitazione testo;

  • undo/redo;

  • Inserire immagini;

  • Caricare un file as background;

Thursday, October 1, 2009

How Long To Get A Green Card After Interview

Follow the live streaming Rai: new tricks for old programs

Hi today I want to tell you about a very interesting script that allows you to follow the live streaming Rai without having to download the novell Moonligth and codecs owners Microsoft.

Create the file. Guardatv inside your home and paste the code found in the appendix inside and make it executable (chmod + x $. Guardatv)

download this file PNG (with transparent background ). Open a terminal and change to the directory where you downloaded the image, and run the following command: # sudo cp

linuxrai48.png / usr / share / pixmaps /

Now add a starter in the panel of your ED: Right click over the panel, add a new element, electric starter. Now put the name and description you want. How to enter command:

. / .guardatv

and choose the icon, give the path where you put the image in the example was:

/ usr/share/pixmaps/linuxrai48.png

put on the check mark "Run in Terminal" , close look at that look great and makes the button to see new programs Rai right in your panel.

There are no special dependencies owners as well as codec and VLC I had to download the package dialog.

looks like on my Linux box


  1. 09/29/howto-guarda-i-canali-rai-con-gnulinux /



# / bin / bash #
use, modify, rewrite this script as you like.
# if something bad happens because of this script, #
I was not there, and if I was there I slept, ergo: they are your cabbage.

# version: 0.2.1

tries = 5 # Attempts to download any file
timeout = 10 # maximum time to wait for the response
download (seconds)
player = "vlc" # name of the video player.
output = "yes" # send video messages to the player?
(yes / no)
background = "no" # sending the player in the background, so you
available from the terminal?

# to save the stream, use your favorite player.
# mplayer for example, just change the variable "player" to: #
player = "mplayer-dumpfile stream.wmv-dumpstream"

############ REAL PROGRAM # # # # ############
############ NON MODIFICARE! ################
for wget command in sed grep awk tail head dialog;
do if [-z "` Which $ command 2> / dev / null `"]; then
NOTFOUND = "` echo "$ NOTFOUND $ command" `" fi

done if [-n "` Which KDialog `"]; then
USEKDIALOG = "false "

fi if [-n" $ NOTFOUND "];
then echo" Comand non trovati: "echo $
exit 1 fi

User Agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11, U; Linux i686; it; rv : Gecko/2009011912
Firefox/3.0.11 '
PLAYERCMD = "` echo $ player
echo "Variable \\" background \\ "admits only"
echo "values \u200b\u200b\\" yes \\ "and \\" no \\ "" exit 1

help () {
echo "Script to display the channel on"
echo "without the Silverlight plugin from Microsoft or Novell's Moonlight
echo "Created by Luke88 - luke88 _at_"
echo-e "\\ nUso: \\ t $ 0 chiave_ricerca \\ tcerca
channel in the list "
echo-e" \\ t all $ 0 \\ t \\ tlist full channel "
echo" "echo
to configure the behavior of players and player"
echo "change the variables at the beginning of this scirpt"
echo "with your favorite editor"
echo-e "\\ nThis script does not carry with it guarantees of any kind

} update () {echo
" exhaust the list of channels ...."
rm $ {0}. Xml &> / dev / null
wget-U "$ USERAGENT" - tries = $ tries - timeout = $ timeout
-O $ {0}. Xml - tries = $ tries
&> / dev / null
if [! -S $ {0}. Xml]
then echo "Download failed! Check the connection
internet e rilancia il programma"
exit 1
rm ${0}.tmp &>/dev/null
grep -B 1 '<url>' ${0}.xml
sed-i 's / \\ & # 236 \\; / ì / g' $ {0}
tmp sed-i. 'S / \\ & # 237 \\; / ì / g' {0} $ tmp.
sed-i 's / \\ & # 242 \\, / ò / g' $ {0}
tmp sed-i. 's / \\ & # 242 \\, / ò / g' $ {0} tmp.
sed-i 's / \\ & # 249 \\; / u / g' $ {0}
tmp sed-is / \\ & amp \\;. / \\ \\ \\ & / g {0} $ tmp.
sed-is / \\ & quot \\, / \\ '/ g $ {0}
tmp sed-is / \\ & # 039 \\;. / \\' / g {0} $ tmp = 0

COUNTER. rm $ {0}. canali &> / dev / null
while read line;
do let "NUM = $ COUNTER% 2"
if [$ NUM-eq 0];
then let "NUM = $ COUNTER% 20" #
something we see on the screen ...
if [$ NUM-eq 0];
then let "NUM = $ COUNTER / 2" # 10
each stream we say to those who are ...
echo-n $ NUM

else echo-n "."

fi echo-en $ line
echo-en $ line

check_dwn} () {
if [! -S $ {0}. Tmp];
then echo "Download failed!
controls the internet connection and raises the"

exit 1 fi}

play () {
if [-z "` echo $ STREAMS
TMP = "` tail-n 2 $ {0}. Tmp echo "(moves his hand) - You
* NOT * want to see this channel"
rm $ {0}.
tmp exit 1

else if [-n "` grep 'mms: / /' $ {0} . tmp `"
], then
STREAM = "` grep 'mms: / /'
$ {0}. tmp STREAM = "` grep 'http://'
$ {0}. Tmp `"

################################# # Amendment 04/07/2009 -
# the stream has a
form like: # \u0026lt;ASX

VERSION="3.0"> \u0026lt;Entry> \u0026lt;REF HREF ="..."
/> \u0026lt;/ ENTRY> \u0026lt;/ ASX>
# For which to retrieve the correct URL
read the contents of HREF

############################ if [-n "` echo $ STREAMS STREAM="`echo
$STREAM &>/dev/null
if [ -n "`grep
'mms://' ${0}.tmp`" ]; then

STREAM="`grep 'mms://' ${0}.tmp
# Edit
04/07/2009 - jigen74
# else
replaced with control
# elif extension
wmv # if the stream has not
extension should not be changed

####### #################################################
elif [-n "` grep
. 'wmv' $ {0}. tmp `"] then

STREAM="`grep '.wmv' ${0}.tmp $player "$STREAM"
&>/dev/null &
case $background in
$player "$STREAM"
$player "$STREAM" &
if ["$ 1" == "-h"] in
if [ "$USEKDIALOG" == "true" ];
TMP="`echo $line echo -e "`echo ${line} 0)
COUNTER = 1 # only need to 'skip a turn
if [-z "` echo $ line staining
for vim ...

fi COUNTER = 2

# else we chasm
address ... I do not do anything ... COUNTER = 0 fi

if ["$ USEKDIALOG" == "true"];

then echo-e "` echo $ {line} echo \\ "\\">> $ {0}
. list # #
echo \\ "$ line \\">> $ {0}
. list # "# \u0026lt;- reset the color to
vim ...

fi COUNTER = 1

esac fi done

if [! -S $ {0}. List];
then echo "Channel not found ..."

exit 0 fi rm $ {0}
. Reply &> / dev / null
REPLY = ""
if ["$ USEKDIALOG" == "True"];
then STREAM = `kdialog - title" Without Silverlight -
menu "available channels list" $ (cat $ {0}. List) `

else while [-z" $ REPLY "];
do dialog - title" Stream available "- help-button
- item-help - menu" Choose to open the stream "20 70 12 -
$ file {0}. list 2> $ {0}.
reply REPLY = "` tail-n 1 $ {0}. reply `"
rm $ {0}. reply &> / dev / null
if [-n "` echo $ REPLY # "` "# \u0026lt;\u0026lt;-Color vim restore ....
NAME = "` grep-B 2 "$ REPLY" $ {0}. List A-2 "$ REPLY" $ {0}. List box in which the player would have appeared embedded there was only a white box.

without losing heart uninstalled the extension installed from the project site (Tools → Add-ons) and I manually deleted the library malignant ""

cd .mozilla / plugins / rm-rf


Restarting firefox to stream the has finally appeared