very strict anti-piracy law in France, and Italy want to copy the law Our cousins \u200b\u200bacross the Alps are in trouble! And quite serious trouble, as it seems.
The French Parliament has finally approved the draft law against the illegal downloading from the Internet today, the Senate has ratified a large majority (189 votes in favor, 14 against) the text that was voted yesterday to the room.
Now, with the entry into force of the law, wanted by President Nicolas Sarkozy, the French internet users who download music and movies from the Internet will receive an email warning first, the High Authority for the dissemination of works and the Protection of Rights on the Internet (Hadopi), created by this reform. After three "yellow cards" will stop the service connection for a certain period.
France became one of the strictest countries in the world against those who illegally download films and music from the Web The pirates that prey on the Internet will be first warned by letter - from next autumn - then, in case of recurrence, from 2010 can no longer connect. Not only will it cut off their access to the Internet, but will also continue to pay their subscription.
After the approval of ' HADOPI ( Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des Œuvres et la protection des droits sur l'Internet ) by the French Senate, also in Italy there are those who press for Parliament to approve soon have a tougher law against digital piracy.
"It's a historic victory for all who believe and fight for the right respect for intellectual property and the work of authors who should be promoted through the protection for the progress culture. I hope that the new French law provides a strong stimulus for the Italian parliament to hurry to adopt adequate legislation in this regard. "These are the words of George Assumma, President of SIAE .
Although the law has been approved a large majority, however, the Socialists have already started organizing to present a action; prior consent of the Senate "Sarkozy doctrine" had met a strong opposition , so you can still hope for the people of the Internet in a Tipping extremis